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Welcome to the Let Us Pray Today website. Praying to God helps the lives of all those who believe. It is our mission to bring together the faithful to share in prayer for those in need.


If you would like to submit a prayer request, it will be shared with our community of faithful prayer partners, so that they may pray for you.

If you or a family member is in need of prayer, the Lord shall hear your request through the prayers of the entire Let Us Pray Today community. You are not walking a lonely course, but rather holding hands with those who care. Christ loves everyone and is filled with happiness when they are praying together online or in church.

Healing is a long process that begins with prayer and faith. The Bible tells us what we must do, and we must have the strength to come together in Holy worship. Submit a prayer and read the prayers of those who are in need of help and guidance. Jesus loves us all. It is our faith that binds us together on this Earth. God Bless You.

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